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Art Center College of Design, Department of Environmental Design, Fall 2003

students: tim meyer, emi fujita, danielle lopez, general wadkins, jorge cruzata, youllie kim, donna salazar, trilby nelson, j.r. schuler

guest critics and lecturers:

william mcdonough / architect / charlottesville, va

annmarie elderlin / scientist / jet propulsion laboratories

david kremers / artist in residence / cal tech beckman institute

this course looks at the how the environments we design may be influenced, inspired and informed by the natural forces of gravity, sunlight, water and air. taken furthur we will be looking at relationships and influences that extend beyond our visible world out to galactic and planetary systems, in to atomic and molecular structures and electromagnetic forces. we will be embarking on a highly experimental collaborative research / design project, predicated upon intense collaboration, input & advisement from specialists in the sciences of astronomy, ecology, physics, biology and chemistry. our ultimate goal is the development of a benevolent human environment that gives back what it takes, actively improving it's surroundings.