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Art Center College of Design, Department of Environmental Design, Fall 2002, Spring 2003

the degree project:
the degree project is the final part of the degree program in the department of environmental design. seniors will devote their final term to the development and satisfactory completion and presentation of a degree project. this project will benefit from a previous 7th term of research and preliminary design. the degree project represents the broad scope of environmental design and the highest caliber of design excellence within the department. part of the evaluation of each project will take into account the general completeness, competency and mastery evident and the articulation of some key elements or issues that point to a deeper investigation, understanding and communication of the essence of the project.

during the course of the term there will be three formal reviews of the degree projects. each review will include both faculty from the environmental design department and guest critics from outside the school and department. these three reviews will be important opportunities for project and process evaluation, objective feedback and constructive criticism.

each student will work with the instructors to develop their individual schedule for the term that they will commit to. this schedule will include various deadlines and landmarks that will guide students to a timely and thorough completion of their project by monday of week 13. this schedule will be due on monday september 16th at the beginning of class.

in addition to the review process, students will be required to make periodic presentations to their peers. these presentations may take any form that the student wishes. each student will identify on their schedules a topic and a date for three presentations that they will be making from week 2-week 12 of the term.
displays and pinups:
for the fall term room 225a will be used for review and pinup space by 8th and 7th term. in addition one area of the room will be used as a changing exhibition space. each week one 8th or 7th term student will use this space to display some aspect of their current project.