sketches, watercolors and photographs were made while living in Italy, studying
at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV).
In my daily Italian life I made a habit of recording my interest and curiosity
in the world around me by stopping to sketch. These sketches are less about
the marks on paper and more about the time I spent looking at and studying the
architecture and urban spaces that overwhelmed me everyday.
I would regularly meet an italian colleague for watercolor excursions in Venice.
W e would meander through the city, plopping ourselves down in front of what
ever inspired us that day, spending hours recording what we saw with the water
from the canals mixed with our paints.
Architectural and urban observations in the form of sketches and photographs
were made while traveling throughout the country.
As part of a separate historical research project, there is also a special analysis
of the work of renaissance architect Alberti in Florence.