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Sundown Salon #14: Showdown! - BON & GING

Bon & Ging's Spring 2005 collection takes inspiration from the natural surroundings and native garments of the Philippines. Nanette and Grace aim to create quality, simple and contemporary pieces using each of their own personal design philosophies.

BIO: Bon & Ging was established in 2003, by sister designers, Nanette and Grace Sullano, both born and raised in Los Angeles. Nanette has worked as a wardrobe stylist since 1999 and and is also a fine artist. She has a continued interest in working with youth and engaging them in the arts to make positive changes that impact their lives. Grace graduated from Otis College of Art in Design, with a BFA in Environmental Arts. Grace is a designer involved with various projects, ranging from furniture to architecture and urban design. She's currently working as a designer in a landscape architecture firm. Grace continues to apply her skills and design principles to all aspects of her life. Combining their unique backgrounds, Nanette and Grace collaborate on this distinct collection, Bon&Ging Spring 2005.