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Sundown Salon #14: Showdown! - FERAL CHILDE

Feral Childe will present three simultaneous performances for SHOWDOWN! on October 30th. On Stage One: Feral Childe presents its latest collection, Kung Fu Shek, as a special version of the perennial favorite, Dance Dance Revolution. Stage Two: a mosh pit of Baby Dingo Derby. Prepare to get dusty. Stage Three: Mystery Guests #1 (Butterknife Krüsh), #2 and #3 duke it out to complete this tri-stage ring. Feral Childe is no mere spectator sport: rabid fans and casual passersby alike are welcome to join in the fray. For Showdown, Feral Childe calls on longtime collaborator Jenahk and her cohorts in Butterknife Krüsh and hopes to make new friends in Cali.

BIO: Feral Childe is the Brooklyn-based artist team of Moriah Carlson and Alice Wu. Alice and Moriah met at Wellesley College. Alice went on to study sculpture at Yale School of Art and Moriah studied painting at the New York Studio School. We (re)united as Feral Childe in 2002. As Feral Childe, we make clothes and show them in installations and performances. Our collections are year-long (or longer) projects including drawings and sculptures created in our studio alongside the clothes. In the true spirit of assemblage, we often cannibalize our own work, re-using and recycling components of past projects. Favorite materials: leather, fake fur, elastic, water putty, spandex, MDF, puffy paint, copper tubing. Feral Childe's one-of-a-kind and limited edition clothes are available at artist-run boutiques such as Sodafine (Ft. Greene), Landing (Williamsburg), Lingo (Chelsea) and HaNNa (Tokyo).