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Animal Estates
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Sundown Salon
Sundown Schoolhouse
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ABOUT the salons
DOME residence information
SUNDOWN SCHOOLHOUSE established 2006
SALON COLADA: MIAMI at moca, 2009
BOOK Sundown Salon Unfolding Archive
...Los Angeles release event at The MAK Center's Schindler House
...New York release event at Artbook @ X Initiatve
...London release event at the Architecture Foundation
EVENT list
...#30 Humans Were Here!
...#29 Dancing Convention
...#28 The Young Ones
...#27 Where
...#26 Sundown Book Salon
...#25 SuPERM salon
...#24 Scandinaviangelenos
...#23 LTTR (Lesbians to the Rescue)
...#22 Janfamily: Plans for Better Days
...#21 L.A. Literary
...#20 Salon Salon
...#19 Baroque Geode
...#18 K48 is an Animal
...#17 Sydney Botanic Mixer
...#16 Bordermates
...#15 Specila Delivery
...#14 Showdown!
...#13 Radical Gardening
...#12 L.A. Masterminding
...#11 KnitKnit
...#10 Boys! A Very Gay Salon
...#09 Sundown @ Schindler
...#08 Hot Rods n' Hot Pants
...#07 Lights > Music > Magic
...#06 Instant Installations
...#05 "The Hole" Premiere
...#04 Nightmarathon Hextravaganza
...#03 Nomads & Residents
...#02 Films by Chris Peters
...#01 Salon Inaugural
YOGA Sunday Salons
chris abani
lida abdullah
amy adler
andy alexander
mark allen
sasha anderson
andrew andrew
lisa anne auerbach
assume vivid astro focus
seth augustine
katie bachler
felicia ballos
mélanie badalato
math bass
eden batki
madeline baugh
justin beal
patterson beckwith
'bedroom walls'
nina jan beier
kelly besser
barbara bestor
a.j. blandford
rae shao-lun blum
bon & ging
'book of giant pets'
sissy boyd
ewan branda
'broken arm'
ingrid bromberg
reba brooks
ginger brooks takahashi
david burns
'cacophonous sarcophagus'
ryan callis
alan calpe
joyce campbell
kris canning
moriah carlson
clint catalyst
norwood cheek
che'la demuir
layla childs
young chung
'church of craft'
paige clark
'collective static'
liz collins
zak cook
laura cooper
krysten cunningham
j. tanner cusick
trinie dalton
mayumi date
ponce de leon
sean delear
david dodge
harry dodge
lecia dole-recio
evelyn donnelly
jim drain
'drawing club'
tim durfee
julia dzwonkoski
ken ehrlich
deanna erdmann
escher gunewardena architects
frank escher
moriah evans
kirsten everberg
'the extraordinaires'
edie fake
'feral childe'
kim fisher
cristina forrer
kate fowle
eve fowler
malik gaines
tibora bea girczyc-blum
adam goldman
rita gonzales
jade gordon
sara grady
jo anna granovetter
matt greene
katie grinnan
sabrina gschwandtner
ravi gunewardena
'guy obrect duo'
karen hallock
emilie halpern
tania hamidi
jules hartzell
skylar haskard
david hatcher
eric heiman
marc herbst
robby herbst
marcus herse
kate hoffman
sean hoffman
evan holloway
hot boy circus
susanna howe
scott hug
bettina hubby
adam hundt
yoko iida
jocelyn jacobs
'janet pants dans theater'
gabriela juaregui
katrin jurati
stanya kahn
dawn kasper
vanessa kaufman
zerek kempf
brian kenny
chosil jan kil
marianne kim
alan koch
terrence koh
alice konitz
damian kulash
jennifer krasinski
christopher kreiling
rachel kushner
l.a. eyeworks
alix lambert
liz larner
lauren lavitt
jessica lawless
jbird leary
christopher lee
matty lee
'lttr' (lesbians to the rescue)
sharon levy
brian lichtenberg
derek lomas
martiniano lopez-crozet
'los cremators'
'los super elegantes'
david loverling
marie jan lund
shana lutker
marina macdougall
michael magnan
michael mahalchik
elena manferdini
bridget marrin
tina marrin
derek martin
kelly marie martin
imran masood
alex may
sabina mcgrew
daniella meeker
althea merback
tony meredith
kimberli meyer
lucas michael
josephine jan michau
lars mikkelsen
ashland mines
giles miller
giles miller's hot licks
'mirror phase'
miss yo
mobile toy theater
'modern garage movement'
lize mogel
samantha magowan
slava mogutin
jennifer moon
sandeep mukherjee
milena muzquiz
'my barbarian'
eileen myles
kelsey nicholson
rebecca niederlander
'nomads & residents'
ok go
yoshua okon
piper olf
eugene ong
jeff ono
camilo ontiveros
cathy opie
lance orchid
eamon ore-giron
andy ouchi
molly owen
taisha paggett
kelly pendergrast
francois perrin
chris peters
sasha petrenko
renee petropoulos
'ponce de leon"
'poole cosmetics'
nancy popp
ed porter
kye potter
antonio puleo
laura purdy
ted purves
iana quesnell
awny rael
jessica rath
iris anna regn
stephen remeington
marcus rene van
pipilotti rist
adrian rivas
sonya robbins
alexis rochas
tim rogeberg
claudia rosa lukas
theo a. rosenblum
emily roysdon
steven rubin
fiona ryan
dean sameshima
gae savannah
joel searles
alex segade
anna sew hoy
lake sharp
diana sieradski
adam silverman
asdis sif gunnarsdottir
sabrina smith
aurisha smolarski
natascha snellman
dan spencer
becky stark
a.l. steiner
larin sullivan
nancy sullivan
erin sylvester
taalman koch
linda taalman
nick taggart
melissa thorne
chris tonelli
'totally rad'
tam van tran
james tsang
robert twomey
christina ulke
kimberly varella
margo victor
andrew wagner
nicolas wagner
nina waisman
caleb waldorf
kate wall
angie waller
we are lucid dreaming
wash west
sissi westerberg
aubrey white
pae white
sarah white
megan whitmarsh
charlie wilmoth
flora wiegmann
millie wilson
joe winter
meg wolfe
wooden mustache
bobbi woods
hitomi yamada
amy yao
megan yellott
austin young
rob zabrecky
andrea zittel
karla zombro
> sundown salon #02 / 05.06.01