* As the first series of Sundown Salon events conclude *

~ We announce the opening of Sundown Schoolhouse ~

{Forward, post, blog, broadcast, gossip & spread the word}




Sundown Schoolhouse is a geodesic home based educational environment with an activist mission. In the classic model of the schoolhouse, students of many ages {18 to 80...} come together to study a diversity of disciplines. It is a school for the gently radical design, literary, performing & visual arts. We foster models for active creative practices that engage with the messy realities of the world around us, from our relationships with the diverse peoples in our city to the eroding natural and urban environments we inhabit.



* In session 8:00am - 8:00pm for twelve Tuesdays from Sept 19th - Dec 5th, 2006 *

* We are now accepting applications for up to 15 spots this autumn {ages 18 to 80} *

* The Autumn 2006 class schedule is posted and will updated throughout the summer *




~ Malik Gaines ~

~ Fritz Haeg ~

~ Nils Norman ~

~ Yoshua Okon ~

~ Andrea Zittel ~

* others will be announced soon *



~ Mark Allen ~

~ Lisa Anne Auerbach ~

~ Fritz Haeg ~

~ Robby Herbst ~

~ Margaret Wertheim ~

* others will be announced soon *




~ Mark Allen {Machine Project} ~

~ Lisa Anne Auerbach {artist ~ Steal This Sweater ~ American Homebody} ~

~ Deena Capparelli {Moisture} ~

~ Amy Franceschini {Futurefarmers ~ Free Soil} ~

~ Aaron Gach {Center for Tactical Magic} ~

~ Malik Gaines {My Barbarian} ~

~ Fritz Haeg {Sundown Salon ~ Gardenlab} ~

~ Marc Herbst {Journal For Aesthetics and Protest} ~

~ Robby Herbst {Journal For Aesthetics and Protest} ~

~ Maria Lepowsky {anthropologist} ~

~ Carol Mcdowell {movement artist} ~

~ Eileen Myles {writer} ~

~ Yoshua Okon {artist ~ La Panaderia} ~

~ Emily Roysdon {artist ~ LTTR - Lesbians To The Rescue} ~

~ Emily Scott {Los Angeles Urban Rangers} ~

~ Hana van der Kolk {dancer ~ choreographer ~ movement teacher}

~ Margaret Wertheim {The Institute for Figuring} ~

~ Flora Wiegmann {dancer ~ choreographer ~ Champion Fine Art} ~

~ Claude Willey {Moisture} ~

~ Andrea Zittel {artist ~ High Desert Test Sites ~ A to Z} ~

* others will be announced later *



Sundown Schoolhouse is a geodesic home based educational environment for gently radical design, literary, performing & visual arts. It is founded on the premise that as artists, designers, performers and writers, we should be powerful and active agents in society. We want to leave the isolation of our studios, institutions, disciplines and cultural urban ghettos, and confront the truth of our time and place. Instead of a self-referential, self-marginalized hermetic monolog, we want a rich complex dialog that extends out to the world around us.

We may be irritants, activists, problem solvers, catalysts, poets, or simply witnesses. We want to look head-on as our natural and urban environments gradually deteriorate around us. We want to invert the power structure as design and the arts are co-opted as tools for marketing. We want an alternative to the model of the architect, artist, designer, performer or writer as the passive professional who waits to be told how, when and where their work may engage in a public dialog. We want to reclaim the promise of art as the ultimate form of human freedom and expression in a society where it has become either trivialized as entertainment, hijacked as pure commodity, under-valued or even feared.

To live in the 21st century city increasingly means a strange paradoxical life of being both virtually connected {by the web, mobile phones, email, TV, movies, magazines} and physically isolated {in the car, house, office or mall} despite living in close proximity. This lack of meaningful physical connectedness both with other people and with the natural environment prevents the urban inhabitant from understanding the complex interdependence and interconnectivity of people to each other and to their environment. The Schoolhouse will foster an approach to the arts that is outwardly focused, engaged with the people around us and responsive to the place that we are in.



~ www.sundownschoolhouse.org ~ info@sundownschoolhouse.org ~

~ 2538 sundown drive los angeles california 90065 ~ 323.255.5998 ~