GARDENLAB news / november 2005:
+ the CALARTS COMMUNITY GARDEN is established:
The 23 students of the Valencia Gardenlab class at California Institute of the Arts have removed some of the lawn in the Lulu May von Hagen Courtyard. In it’s place they have established a community garden consisting of 20 plots to be used by students, faculty and staff and an area for experimentation with native low-water plants. There is also a 3 bin composting system which will turn the organic waste from the cafeteria and campus grounds into rich garden soil and mulch. The Calarts Garden Club will be initiated in 2006 to manage the gardens and campus composting system.
An inaugural exhibition
is on view in the L shaped gallery (just beyond the school’s main entry)
through Friday, November 18th. The students will be hosting an opening reception
at the garden this Thursday, November 17th from 7:00 – 10:00pm. The party
will continue at the gallery space from 9:00 – midnight. Those at Calarts
interested submitting a proposal for a plot for the spring 2006 term may contact
The next regional prototype in the Edible Estates series will be established in Los Angeles in spring 2006 and become the basis for an exhibition the following autumn. We are currently seeking the skilled, eager and adventurous occupants of one conventional American house on a typical street of endless sprawling lawns. These L.A. citizens should be brave enough to break this toxic uniformity, by having their entire front lawn removed and replaced by an edible landscape. As role models they will then proudly devote themselves to the indefinite cultivation of fruits, vegetables, grains and herbs for all neighbors and car traffic to see.
This once hostile front
yard will become the southwest regional prototype for the Edible Estates series.
We will work in collaboration to create the layout, design and plant specifications.
All costs associated with establishing the garden for the first season will
be covered. If you or someone you know of would be interested you will find
the complete list of parameters and specifications on this
page at our website and then contact
fritz haeg
2538 sundown drive
los angeles, california 90065
studio 323.255.5998 cel 323.829.5998