forwarded announcement from art2102:

SUNSHINE QUOI: Common Sense / a conversation on experimental artist run spaces / this Saturday, February 25, 12 noon - 4pm

ART2102 is pleased to present the second part of Sunshine Quoi?, a series of conversations bringing together the people behind some of the most exciting artists' spaces and projects in Los Angeles. The events aim to develop a social and intellectual mapping of these venues to begin to formulate a deeper awareness of the myriad of experimental practices in art production occurring in Los Angeles, but not always evidenced in its more conventional spaces. The series will culminate in a published project with contributions from each participant.

Following the success of Temporary Contemporaries, Sunshine Quoi?’s first installment which explored various models and strategies adopted by three young artists' run spaces, ART2102 invites you to join Machine Project, The Mountain School of Art, The Sundown Salon and the Society for the Activation of Social Space through Art and Sound (SASSAS) in Sunshine Quoi?: Common Sense.

Presenting four organizations which create a context for exchange at the core of their programming, the conversation will focus on the projects’ role as catalyst for discussion with the objective of creating community, often through events rather than exhibitions. Calling into question the presentation modes of contemporary practice, they have successfully fostered a dynamic dialogue between artists and audiences, while further developing the relationship between art and technology, providing a context for experimental sound practices, or introducing pedagogical practices that serve as an alternative to those offered by traditional or academic institutions for art education.

Common Sense will also conclude ART2102’s programming at its Boyle Heights location. Until our relocation in the Fall, a series of off-site events and art projects will replace our program of gallery exhibitions.

MACHINE PROJECT: Mark Allen, founder and director of Machine Project, will introduce this non-profit performance/installation space investigating art, technology, natural history, science and poetry. He will be discussing topics as varied as making moonshine, cyborg cockroaches, egg based drum machines, hyperbolic crochet, floral volcanoes, live burial, Machine Project's transdimensional exhibition space, mechanical bulls, mycology and unicorn skeletons.

THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL OF ART: Piero Golia recently launched The Mountain School of Art together with Eric Wesley. He will present this small yet ambitious educational institute currently operating from the back rooms of The Mountain Bar in Chinatown. Confined backstage, the settings metaphorically suggest an underground twist on the educational motivation of the school.

SASSAS: Cindy Bernard founded The Society for the Activation of Social Space Through Art and Sound (SASSAS), motivated by her active interest in social exchange. She will talk about her organization and the ways in which it supports and presents experimental art and sound practice in the Greater Los Angeles area. Since 2002, SASSAS has provided an on-going forum for this underserved community of experimental music/sound innovators.

SUNDOWN SALON: Fritz Haeg will look at five years of Sundown Salons, periodic Sunday afternoon events that have turned his house into a gathering place for an extended community of friends from Los Angeles and beyond. A free exchange of ideas and art through happenings, meetings, pageantry, performances, shows, stunts and spectacles, the Salon has framed and affected works and events with the unique house and garden settings which include a subterranean space, a geodesic dome and a series of outdoor spaces.

2102 E. First St.
Los Angeles, CA 90033
phone: 323.401.3441
fax: 323.401.3441