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Walker Art Center / part of the exhibition and residency projects "Fritz Haeg: At Home in the City" / August 8th to November 24th, 2013 / open Thursday 11-9, Fridays to Sundays 11-5 / see interview on the Walker website

Establishing a plant-animal-people trilogy with the Edible Estates (est. 2005) series of front yard food gardens and the Animal Estates (est. 2008) initiatives for urban wildlife architecture, Domestic Integrities (est. 2012) turns it’s attention inward, to local patterns and rituals of interior domestic landscapes, the way we use what we resourcefully find around us to artfully make ourselves at home, bringing the outdoors in. Domestic Integrity Fields are charged sites - on crocheted rugs of discarded textiles - to test, perform, and present how we want to live. One rug in each continent gradually expands as it travels from city to city. The fifth American edition of Domestic Integrities in city of Minneapolis, follows editions at MoMA in New York, the new Broad Museum of Art in Michigan, The Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, and the deCordeva Museum in Lincoln, MA.
Textile collection and communal rug crochet events kick off the presentation of the rug in the Medtronic gallery. The official elements, or ‘Domestic Integrities,’ presented on the rug are rotated weekly, sourced from friends, family, and local connections. These may include any things or activities locals are making/doing with what is coming out of their garden at the moment, such as pickled vegetables, fresh produce, canned fruit, baked bread, homemade honey, dried wildflowers, potpourri, preserved berries, homemade remedies, herbal arrangements, fresh soups, artisanal soaps, infused teas, etc. Each weekend during the run of the show, a new set of local Domestic Integrities will be installed on the rug for the week. In addition, a selection of Domestic Integrities coming from the local family(ies) of the newly established Minneapolis Edible Estate garden will be presented on the rug, some installed for the duration, and others changing on a weekly basis.
Each week, the selected local residents will be invited to come install their pieces on the rug, with the previous week’s Domestic Integrities entering into the permanent project archives for display and inventory. A conversation, meal, presentation, demonstration, and/or activity might accompany each of these weekly ceremonies. Each local Domestic Integrity will be photographed in it’s originating home, also documented by a short video clip, and be the focus of an interview with it’s author to be included in a later publication.
Other parts of the project will include an adjacent archive space for studying, working, meeting, storing, and displaying past and future elements of the project; a series of documentary photos and video clips, and a cork wall for postings on related local activities. Previous editions:
E01: London, UK - Hayward Gallery (Jun 11 - Jul 11, 2012)
E02: Abruzzo, Italy - Pollinaria (Jun 2012 - Jun 2013)
A01: New York, NY - Museum of Modern Art (Jun 20 - Nov 19, 2012)
A02: East Lansing, MI - M.S.U. Broad Art Museum (Sep 9, 2012 - Jan 2013)
A03: Los Angeles, CA - Hammer Museum of Art / Human Resources (Mar - May 2012)
A04: Lincoln, MA - deCordeva Museum and Sculpture Park (May - Aug 2013)
A05: Minneapolis, MN - Walker Art Center (Aug - Nov, 2013)
A06: Berkeley, CA - Berkeley Art Museum (Spring 2014)

Domestic Integrity Field rug production sites:
Los Angeles, CA - Sundown Residence (Spring 2012)
Princeton, NJ - Princeton Student Colony (Feb 6 - May 7, 2012)
Greensboro, NC -University of North Carolina Greensboro (Apr 18 - 20, 2012)
Budapest, Hungary - Blood Mountain Foundation (Jun 4 - 9, 2012)
London, England - Hayward Gallery (Jun 11 - Jul 11, 2012)
Vienna, Austria - MAK (Jun 26, 2012)
Beach Lake, PA, Mildred's Lane (Jun 21 - 24, 2012)


Todd Balthazor - drawing, illustrating, journaling
Will Gobeli - harvesting, knitting
Stephen Gregg -
Hillary King - wool carding and spinning
Ann Norberg - knitting
Sheila Novak - paper making
Peter Rusk - carving
Bjorn Sparrman - harvesting, preserving, knitting, weaving
Leia Wambach, dyeing, knitting


interns: Bjorn Sparrman and Will Gobeli
thrift furnishings: Practical Goods
Stephen Gregg -
Hillary King - wool carding and spinning
Ann Norberg - knitting
Sheila Novak - paper making
Peter Rusk - carving
Stephen Gregg -
Hillary King - wool carding and spinning
Ann Norberg - knitting
Sheila Novak - paper making
Peter Rusk - carving
opening choreography: Body Cartography
knitter in residence: Kristi Fackel


Dear Twin Cities Friends,

From Tuesday, July 30th until Sunday, August 4th I will be working with the public crocheting the circular Domestic Integrities rug in the Walker Art Center Cargill Lounge in anticipation of my upcoming exhibition Fritz Haeg: At Home in the City opening August 8th. The spirally stitched rug expands as it travels from city to city, made of locally discarded clothing and textiles. It will arrive from the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles at 22’ in diameter and I plan to expand it to 27’ diameter before it is installed in the gallery. Those willing to spend at least a couple of hours will be trained on the simple crochet technique, which they might also teach to other museum visitors interested in participating, No crochet experience is needed, but those with any handwork skills are especially encouraged to join. If interested, please email by Friday July 19th with date(s) and times (a minimum of two hours on the first visit) you’d like to join me.

Tuesday, July 30th: 11am - 5pm
Wednesday, July 31st: 11am - 5pm
Thursday, August 1st: 11am - 8pm
Friday, August 2nd: 11am - 5pm
Saturday, August 3rd: 11am - 5pm
Sunday, August 4th: 11am - 5pm

We’ll be serving lunches and providing parking vouchers. Bring any old sheets, towels, clothes, etc. that you’d like to contribute to the effort. More information on the project and show can be found at and the Walker website.

Hoping to see you!
Fritz Haeg