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A commissioned inaugural installation for the new Broad Art Museum designed by Zaha Hadid / September 9th, 2012 - January 2013 / public rug crochet events Sep 9 - Nov 9, 2012 / museum opening Nov 9, 2012 / in partnership with the MSU Student Organic Farm / follow occasional project updates on Wikidiary

From September 9th to November 9th, 2012 a new Domestic Integrity Field rug is publicly produced with the help of students and local volunteers in a vacant storefront. Locally gathered textiles, clothing, and linens are crocheted into the rug, starting with an abundance of green and white in the center (MSU Spartan colors) and then transitioning out through a a spectrum of rainbow colors of blues, lavenders, reds, oranges, beiges, and finishing in a yellow outer ring. A minestrone of fresh produce from that morning's farmers market is prepared each work day, stewing in vitrine windows, feeding the visiting helpers.

On November 9th, 2012 the rug is moved into the new MSU Broad Art Museum where it is installed as a stage for the rotating displays of local 'Domestic Integrities' from the MSU Student Organic Farm and other partners. These locally harvested, produced, foraged, scavenged, and picked resources are presented upon low pedestals on the rug and regularly replaced during public gatherings and events. Once the materials have left the rug they move into a growing archive where they are inventoried, displayed, and later travel to the next edition of Domestic Integrities.



Public rug crochet events in the storefront of 333 East Grand River Avenue, East Lansing with Fritz Haeg:
September 9th, Sunday, 11am - 6pm
September 17th, Monday, 11am - 6pm
September 30th, Sunday, 3 - 6pm
October 2nd - 3rd, Tuesday - Wednesday, 11am - 6pm
October 28th, Sunday, 11am - 6pm
November 3rd, Saturday, 11am - 6pm
November 4th, Sunday, 11am - 3pm (museum gallery install starting at 3pm)

Public lecture by Fritz Haeg at the MSU School of Art on Tuesday, October 2nd, 7pm

Public Domestic Integrities events at the Broad Art Museum with Fritz Haeg:
November 10th - 11th, Saturday - Sunday, OPENING WEEKEND
November 25th, Sunday, 10am - 5pm
December 2nd, Sunday, 10am - 5pm
December 7th, Friday, 10am - 9pm



Domestic Integrities materials sourced from: The MSU Student Organic Farm

Curators: Aimee Shapiro and Alison Gass, Broad Art Museum

Student assistants: Lauren Shelton, Matt Radick, Taylor Davis, Andrew Milad

Rug production volunteers: Alyssa Abbott, Ryan Aiman, Lauren Aquilina, Ian Aufemberge, Liz Baker-Rozell, Emily Barber, Michael Bebee, Tiffany Bell, Kate Bradley, Molly Brown, Carol Brownell, Holly Burke, Teagan Chatterleg, Juilie Conroy, Shari & Jim Conroy, Nourhan Dakroury, Taylor Davis, Tess Duncan, Chelsea Farrell, Claire Fletcher, Cadi Fung, Arti Gandhi, Breanna Garvin, Kelsey Hammang, Lizzie Haskin, Empress Henderson, Lauren Hoehn, Esmond Holmes, Laura Johnson, Julie Johnson, Connor Keehbauen, Eric Kester, Chelsea Kirksey, Melynda Kloc, Taylor Knapp, Miranda Lehl, Christina Leshko, Kirstie Liakos, Lisa Longlois, Kelly Mackie, Lauren Maclean, Bonney Mayers, Molly McCahill, Alexa McCarthy, Shannon Melick, Andrew Milad, Erin Millikan, Katie Morang, Augusta Morrison, Shela Motley, Hanna Nesterowich, Christine Nichols, Krista Pass, Meg Piavis, Sarah Platte, Kait Polzin, Matt Radick, Sue Redeck, David Riwndland, Karl Schwinghamer, Mia Serafini, Sarah Sherman, Meranda Shirley, Anne Simon, Janell Simpson, Marisa Sourges, Lori Spink, Dottie Spousta, Jillian Steele, Maria Sudnykovych, Jordan Taylor, Ally Telfenhof, Elise Toups, Gail Vander Stoep, Ginger Vitale, Allie Werner, Haley Williams